Radegast 2.40 is released

Radegast 2.40 Released

I am proud to release Radegast 2.40 the first major update in quite some time. Containing up-to-date LibreMetaverse, the HTTP client has been fundamentally rewritten for speed and better resource management. You may notice things like Inventory and Map Tiles downloading much faster than they have in the past. Radgast now is built against .NET Framework 4.8, the final version of .NET Framework which is the best I can do for now to keep Linux and Mac support, such as it is, until a complete UI rewrite.

Multi-Factor Authentication in Second Life is now also supported as well as setting a user-defined folder for chat logs to be written to. Chat logs now also conform to the format SecondLife, Firestorm, Alchemy, and others use so sharing a folder for any and all viewers is not out of the question anymore.

Various other bugs and improvements were also made. I hope you find this release enjoyable. Ta.
